The Harmony in Life Scale - Translations and Validations

The Harmony in Life Scale (HILS) consists of 5 items and has also been validated as a concise 3-item version, alongside a 3-item version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS).
Grounded in the concept of harmony as relational, involving balance and flexibility in integrating different aspects of life (Li, 2008), the HILS emphasizes mutual support and interdependence as pathways to flourishing. From a psychological well-being perspective, harmony encourages a holistic worldview, focusing on a balanced and flexible approach to personal well-being that accounts for social and environmental contexts.
The Harmony in Life Scale Complements the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Expanding the Conceptualization of the Cognitive Component of Subjective Well-Being
Abbreviated Three-Item Versions of the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Harmony in Life Scale Yield as Strong Psychometric Properties as the Original Scales
If you are translating the HILS or carrying out relevant validation studies, please feel free to contact us and let us know if you would like us to add your research to this page.
Translation and Validation Papers
Hindi (the translated scale is here
Setswana in South African and Ghanaian samples.
Swedish. Relevant papers using the Swedish HILS include a paper on Grit and another one on Yoga.
*Non-published scales
Polish (paper in progress by Paweł Larionow et al.)
Portuguese Brazil (paper in progress by Pereira et al.)
Spanish (paper in progress by Gonzalo Peña-Muñante et al.)